-زلزله در كرمان
-چرا احمدي نژاد و گروهش اسناد و مداركي را كه ادعا مي كنند در ارتباط با فساد لاريجاني ها و ديگران دارند منتشر نمي كنند؟
-آيا اقدامات حكومت ايران زمينه ي جنگي تازه در منطقه را فراهم كرده است؟
ميهمانان: آقايان عليرضا نوري زاده و مهران براتي.
با اميد به فردائي بهتر
Behind the Headlines – Friday 1 December 2017
In tonight’s program of Behind the Headlines on IraneFarda TV:
Yet another earthquake in Iran, this time in the ancient city of Kerman;
Why Ahmadinejad never reveals any one of the “sensitive documents” that he and his associates claim to have on their opponents in the Islamic republic regime, particularly on the Larijani brothers?;
Are the Iranian regime’s provocations in the region going to lead to a new war in the Middle East?
Our guests tonight to discuss these topics are Mr Alireza Nourizadeh and Mr Mehran Barati.