پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری دوشنبه ۶ فروردین

در این شماره از برنامه پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری و در ششمین روز از ایام نوروز برنامه را با شعری از دفتر اشعار دکتر عیرضا نوری زاده آغاز می کنیم. سپس به دیدن کلیپی از هنرمند عزیز سالار عقیلی می نشینیم.
در ادامه به چند سالروز تولد از جمله آشور زرتشت پیامبر زرتشتیان وتنی چند از هنرمندان فقید میهنمان زنده یاد هنرمند قدیمی عزت الله مقبلی و ناصر مسعودی خواننده ترانه های گیلکی اشاره خواهیم داشت.
در پی آن با دیدن ویدیو کلیپی از یک استاد دانشگاه از علل سقوط هواپیمای آسمان شما را آگاه خواهیم کرد. در مملکتی که آخوند حکومت میکند و نابخردان به جای انسانهای فرهیخته در مسند کار هستند همه چیز بر مبنای دروغ و بی کفایتی است . انسانهایی چون عبدالفتاح سلطانی و دیگر آزاد مردان و دلیر زنان باید در زندان باشند و این نالایقان باید آزاد بگردند و اینگونه جنایت ها را مرتکب بشوند.
همچنین بمناسبت ایام نوروز نظر شما خوبان را به چند گزارش تصویری از جشن نوروز در سال ۵۷ در حافظیه شیراز ودر مقبره کورش کبیر در پاسارگاد و آرامگاه فردوسی جلب می نماییم.
A Window to the Fatherland - Monday 26 March 2018
On this the sixth day of the New Persian Year we begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works, followed by a video clip of our dear singer Salar Aghili.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
We will continue the program with remembering several historic and significant birthdays, including those of the Iranian prophet Ashur Zartosht (Zoroaster), and artists and singers Ezatollah Moghbeli and Nasser Massoud.
We will later watch a video clip in which a university professor speaks about the actual reason behind the crash of Aseman airplanes.
In a country where illiterate mullahs and theirignorant subordinates have taken over the political power, one can only expect that every matter of ruling over the nation be based on deceit and incompetence. As such, it should not come as a surprise that a freedom fighter and honourable lawyer and human rights activist like Abdulfattah Soltani should be in prison and subjected to so much humiliation and torture, while criminals who run the regime should be free to plunder our nation and fuel the flames of wars and discords inside and outside the country.
We are still in the midst of Nowruz and this year’s celebrations have been particularly significant and meaningful for the future of Iran as these pictures from the people’s gatherings outside the mausoleums of Hafez in Shiraz and Cyrus the Great in Pasragard and Ferdowsi in Mashad show.
In the second part of the program we will review the background of Ahmadinejad and his Jewish family as he was brought up in a working class environment and managed to get into the polytechnic of Tehran, beforegoing to the war fronts with Iraq and later ending up as the governor of the ancient city of Ardabil in Iran in the 1980s.
He was later appointed as the Mayor of Tehran with Khamenei’s behind the scene support, and finally reaching the position of the President of the Islamic Republic through vote rigging and deception. And now turning into an “opposition” figure by writing damning letters to his former master, telling him that the country has been run as a dictatorship since the Islamic Revolution of 1979!
Khamenei had not taken Ahmadinejad seriously in the beginning of his opposition campaign, but as the infighting among the regime’s factions has intensified, with the arrest of Ahmadinejad’s close allies Rahim Mashie and Hamid Baghaie on fraud charges, his former subordinate’s “revolt” can no longer be tolerated and it is only a mater of time before Ahmadinejad himself is rounded up.
In another part of the program we will reveal how the regime has launched a test of ballistic missiles in the Qum desert.
We will also discuss the consequence of the appointment of John Bolton as the new US National Security Advisor on the future of the nuclear deal with Iran, and review his previous relationship with the Mujahedin Khalq Organization.
And at the end of tonight’s program we will have a short report on the new Iranian film “Gholam” which is currently at cinemas in London.
Finally we will update you about the latest news of the Middle East region.
Stay with us for this edition of A Window to the Fatherland and share it with your friends and relatives.
We look forward to hearing your views and comments about the issues covered in tonight’s program.
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March 26, 2018 09:33 PM