پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری سه شنبه ۲۱ فروردین

در این شماره از برنامه پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری برنامه را با شعری از دفتر اشعار دکتر علیرضا نوری زاده آغاز مینماییم .سپس همراه با شما خوبان به گفتگو با دوست عزیز وگرامی جناب آقای محمد رضا شاهید خواهیم نشست و در ارتباط با سفر ولیعهد عربستان به فرانسه و دیگر رویداد های مهم داخلی و منطقه به تبادل نظر می نشینیم.
ابتدا در ارتباط با سفر محمد بن سلمان ولیعهد عربستان سعودی به فرانسه و دیدار وی با رئیس جمهور فرانسه آقای مکرون نظر ایشان را جویا شدیم .
به اعتقاد ایشان سفر محمد بن سلمان تنها یک سفر تجاری نبوده و بیشتر برای رایزنی در ارتباط با دخالت ایران در یمن و سوریه و جلب نظر آقای مکرون در حمایت از عربستان بعد از موشک پرانی های حوثی ها به عربستان و مسئله توافق برجام میباشد و اهمیت تجاری و اقتصادی آن در درجه دوم قرار گرفته است که قرار داد ۲۰ میلیارد دلاری ازجمله با شرکت نفتی توتال حاصل آن بوده است .
و در این میان امروز پادشاه مغرب هم وارد فرانسه شد و تا ساعاتی دیگر با آقای مکرون دیدار خواهد نمود .
دکتر نوری زاده: داستان کدورت عربستان و کشور مغرب به آنجا بر میگردد که در زمانی که عربستان اتحاد نیروهای ائتلاف عرب را برای حمله به یمن تشکیل داد پادشاه مغرب از این ائتلاف حمایت نکرد و همین باعث رنجش سعودی ها شد و این علت ورود بدون خبر وی به فرانسه میباشد بلکه با پا درمیانی آقای مکرون یخ این روابط بشکند.
در ادامه از استعفای شهردار تهران و تایید مجدد ایشان توسط شورای شهر و عصبانیت دادستان تهران از تایید مجدد و قبول نکردن استعفای او توسط شورای شهر تهران شما را مطلع خواهیم ساخت.
در بخش دوم برنامه به حمله شیمیایی ارتش سوریه به مردم مظلوم غوطه شرقی و تصمیم دولت فرانسه و آمریکا درپاسخ به این حملات و دیگر مسائل مهم جاری در منطقه با جناب آقای محمدرضا شاهید به تبادل نظر خواهیم پرداخت و شما را در جریان آخرین اخبار قرار خواهیم داد.
We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
In tonight’s program we will revisit the day back in 1964 when there was an assassination attempt on the life of the late Shah of Iran.
We will also talk about Narges Mohammadi, the Iranian physicist, human rights activist and political prisoner who has won the 2018 Anderi Sakharov Prize for her leadership in campaigning for peace, justice, and the abolition of the death penalty.
Today is also the anniversary of the barbaric execution of Iran’s former Prime Minister the late Amir Abbas Hoveyad at the hands of the criminal clerics.
Later we will look at the worthless currencies of the world. But our main discussion tonight will be with our guest the civil right activist Koroush Radmanesh who as the spokesperson for the alliance of Iranian opposition forces will update us on their latest anti-regime campaign and plans.
Koroush Radmanesh:
First of all I would like to thank you and IraneFarda TV for giving us this opportunity to speak directly to our compatriots inside and outside Iran who have shown great interest in our freedom movement and its objective of overthrowing the barbaric and dictatorial regime of Islamic republic in our motherland.
Unlike your TV station, some of the media outlets that claim to be voicing the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom and human rights do not really support our cause.
The alliance of Iranian opposition forces is quite busy. Over the last two years we have managed to make contacts with some like-minded underground sources inside Iran who can play a vital role in the victory of our freedom movement. At the same time with the arrival of the Trump administration and its hard and uncompromising policies towards the Iranian regime we believe the international climate is quite favorable for the progress of our movement whose main aim is to overthrow this barbaric and despotic regime in our country.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
Many Iranians support your movement because you are an independent alliance of the opposition forces, unlike the Mujaheddin Khalq who surrender and appease to the demands of foreign powers to get recognition. Even John Bolton has mentioned this in one of his latest speeches.
Koroush Radmanesh:
We are very careful not to give any promise or concession to those foreign governments who support our movement, as the future of our country and our people must be decide through democratic means by themselves.
We believe in political pluralism and the power of people through the ballot boxes. We are an ancient nation that first introduced the charter of human rights some 2500 years ago, but sadly thieves and criminals whose only preoccupation is to plunder the wealth of the country for their own benefits and spend it on the pursuit of their vile ideology in other countries now rule our country.
I can confirm that we have established many associated branches for our alliance movement and their representatives will be attending a major conference of our opposition forces in the US in the very near future and we welcome the participation of any individual or group that believes in parliamentarian democracy to join our movement.
I can confirm that some US politicians and Senators will also attend this conference in support of our movement and its objectives.
However, we must be very careful that the Iranian regime will not sit idle and is doing its best to disrupt our attempts by sowing the seeds of mistrust among our communities. The closer this barbaric regime gets to its eventual fall, the more vicious its nefarious acts become.
We benefit from representing three main elements of our Iranian identity, which are the presence of Prince Reza Pahlavi as the heir to the Constitution of 1905; the unity of the individuals and groups who believe in Iranian nationalism and our united objective of overthrowing the Islamic republic regime.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
And of course when we talk about an alliance of Iranian opposition forces we are talking about the unity of all monarchist and republican democratic political forces who represent the peoples of our united Iran and want to serve their interest and bring peace, justice and progress to our fatherland, not an alliance for dictating its despotic and ideological norms to our people.
Stay with us for this edition of A Window to the Fatherland and share it with your family and friends.
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April 11, 2018 09:49 AM