پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری جمعه ۲۴ فروردین

در ابتدای این شماره از برنامه پنجره ای روبه خانه پدری تاملی بر احوالات و کارنامه آقایان علما خواهیم نمود و با شما در این باره به تفصیل سخن خواهیم گفت و در این میان به دیدن ویدیو کلیب مجیز گویی علم الهدا نماینده معظم رهبری و امام جمعه مشهد از ورود شاهنشاه فقید ایران به شهر مشهد خواهیم نشست. در بخش دوم برنامه اشاره ای به ادامه گرانی دلار با وجود اعلام قیمت 4200 تومانی از طرف دولت خواهیم داشت واز اظهارات ناصر مکارم شکر فروش در ارتباط با اعدام صرافان برای کنترل قیمت ارز شما را مطلع خواهیم کرد. سپس توجه شما را به دیدن دو ویدیو کلیپ از سخنان زنگنه وزیر نفت وگزارشی از شرکت نفت کش ایران و کشتی سانچی جلب خواهیم نمود .و در انتها شما را از آخرین اخبار و رویدادهای اتفاق افتاده در منطقه بحرانی سوریه آگاه خواهیم ساخت. با ما باشید وبرنامه پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری را با دوستان و آشنایان خود به اشتراک بگذارید. منتظر شنیدن نظرات شما پیرامون این برنامه هستیم.
A Window to the Fatherland – Friday 13 April 2018
We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
In tonight’s program we will focus on the relationship between Iran’s religious establishment with the late Shah of Iran and his regime prior to the Islamic revolution, and watch a footage in which the current ultra conservative mullah Alam Ulhoda welcomes the Shah to the holy city of Mashhad by heaping praise on him for his service to the country, the Iranian people and Islam.
It is a fact that during his reign, Iran’s religious establishment and senior ayatollahs revered the late Shah of Iran and his royal family. However, grand ayatollahs like the late Shariatmadari always cautioned about Khomeini’s ambitions for political power and warned that if he ever succeeds in his opposition to the Shah, Iran will face a dark future and the people will suffer immensely. And his prediction has come true.
However, many of the Khomeini associates who once praised the Shah have now become the effective rulers of Iran and would rather forget their past and deceitfully present themselves as “revolutionaries” who took part in the downfall of his regime.
In the second part of the program we will go back to the Syrian crisis as the Assad regime has now agreed to allow a UN team to enter Syria and investigate the latest horrific chemical attack on the people of Douma, while US, for now, has backtracked on its plan for a military action against the Assad regime.
We will also update our audience on the behind the scene talks betw Ali Akbar Velayati and Assad and the secret meeting in Tehran between Putin’s special envoy and Iran’s head of national security council Ali Shamkhani.
Later we will review Iran’s currency crisis and how the ignorant ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi (aka the sugar merchant) has come up with his own “solution” to save the value of Iran’s currency from its free fall.
We will also update you on the latest news of the resignation of the Mayor of Tehran Mohammad Ali Najafi and how Hassan Rouhani so unashamedly has completely forgotten about his election campaign slogans of freeing the incarcerated leaders of the Green Movement and fight corruption in Iran.
We will at the end watch a video clip in which the oil minister Bijan Zanganeh talks about the tragic death of 23 Iranian sailors when their oil tanker Sanchi caught fire and sank in the East China Sea in January.
Stay with us for this edition of A Window to the Fatherland and share it with your family and friends.
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April 15, 2018 03:45 PM