پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری جمعه ۲ شهریور

این شماره از برنامه پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری را با شعری از دفتر اشعار دکتر علیرضا نوری زاده آغازمینماییم. ابتدا به دیدن ویدیو کلیپ سخنان امامعلی رحمانوف رئیس جمهور تاجیکستان می نشینیم. سپس اشاره ای به دروغگویی های تحفه آرادان خواهیم نمود و به دیدن گزارشی دراین باب خواهیم نشست.در ادامه توجه شما را به دیدن گزارشی از سخنان یک نماینده اصولگرای مجلس در باب دو ملیتی بودن حسن روحانی جلب می نماییم و توضیحاتی تقدیم حضورتان خواهیم نمود،. در پی آن همراه با شما به چند گزارش تصویری در ارتباط با دستگیری یکی از مزدوران حکومت در آمریکا و سخنان مادر وی و همچنین کیک تولدی که پدر آرزوی شهید شدن فرزندش مانند حججی را دارد، و فیلم دیدار یک مادر بعد از ۶۸ سال دوری از فرزندش در کره شمای خواهیم پرداخت که به تفصیل در این باره با شما به سخن خواهیم نشست. با ما باشید و پنجره ای رو به خانه پدری را با دوستان و آشنایان خود به اشتراک بگذارید ، منتظر شنیدن نظرات شما پیرامون این برنامه هستیم.
A Window to the Fatherland
Friday 24 August 2018
We begin tonight’s program with Dr Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
We continue the program with watching a video clip of a speech by the president of Tajikistan, Imamali Rahmaniv, about his government’s plan for development of his country.
When Rahmanov came to power Tajikistan faced very many social and economic woes but he has managed to sort out most of them by implementing secular policies. The first thing his government did in that respect was yo close down more than 2000 mosques, denying the reactionary and backward religious groups to interfere with his reform plans.
He has converted all these closed mosques into old people ‘s homes, providing state funds for them that has proved very popular with the nation.
Ahmadinejad’s lies never end. He had claimed that all his children are currently in Iran and that they do not receive any financial help from the state!
In fact, under the Islamic republic regime Iran has become the land of liars!
MP Abotorabi has said that Hassan Rouhani has dual British and Iranian nationality.
This is another lie. Rouhani lived in Scotland for only one full year to study and this length of time does not grant any right to apply for British citizenship. This does not mean that Rouhani himself is not a liar though!
The US justice department has accused a number of American-Iranians of spying for the regime. This should come as no surprise as the Khamenei’s stooges many of the so-called “Islamic scholars and expert” in US and Europe are nothing more than the servants of the brutal religious dictatorship that rules our country.
The murderer regime of Islamic republic is the main reason for millions of Iranians leaving their motherland and not being able to freely and without fear to travel back to their country, unless they act as informers and spies for it!
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August 27, 2018 12:10 PM